1 module gfmod.opengl;
3 // OpenGL OO wrapper
5 /**
6  * gfmod.opengl philosophy:
7  *
8  * - Require GL 3.0+ without deprecated features (AKA GL 3.1 core context).
9  * - Rely in debug callbacks instead of internal GL error checks.
10  * - nothrow where possible. Throwing during init is OK, throwing during drawing/updates
11  *   is not. (also, callbacks, see above).
12  * - @nogc where possible, but not fanatically so.
13  * - type safety (see Uniform specifications in uniform.d, Vertex structs, etc.)
14  * - if it can be checked only once, do not check it on every call/draw/update
15  *   (see also: type safety)
16  */
18 public
19 {
20     import derelict.opengl3.gl3,
21            derelict.opengl3.gl;
23     import gfmod.opengl.opengl,
24            gfmod.opengl.buffer,
25            gfmod.opengl.renderbuffer,
26            gfmod.opengl.shader,
27            gfmod.opengl.uniform,
28            gfmod.opengl.program,
29            gfmod.opengl.matrixstack,
30            gfmod.opengl.texture,
31            gfmod.opengl.textureunit,
32            gfmod.opengl.fbo,
33            gfmod.opengl.vertexarray;
34 }